There are different ways to use Spuds of Destiny to check in with the Universe. It all depends on what you want to find out.

Try the below methods or experiment with your own.
Remember these are potatoes, and all potatoes are better with a pinch of salt.

Daily Draw

What do the Spuds have in store for you today?

Each day is different and comes with its own message. What does the Universe want you to know today? Shuffle the deck and ask the Spuds. Pick the card that comes to you. They’ll give you guidance whenever you need it.

Matter of Opinion

What do the Spuds think of your situation?

Everyone wants answers and Spuds are here to give them, but remember, they cannot answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ so avoid closed questions. The trick is to ask them their opinion. Shuffle the cards and ask them what they really think about the situation that’s in your heart. They’ll let you know. Choose the card that you are drawn to. This is most common way to use Spuds of Destiny.

Stop and Go

To move forward you need to let go.

Spuds of Destiny are really good at guidance. It is up to you interpret the true meaning behind the cards. This is a two card spread which advises you on what you should worry less about in order to proceed. Shuffle the deck and take two cards. These can be from the top or anywhere you feel them reach out to you.

Place the cards next to each other. The one on the left signifies what you need to let go of, the one on the right should be your focus. It is a good idea to keep the cards face down until you are ready to hear the message, just in case it isn’t exactly the Spud you want.

This spread works for general questions but is really good if something is bothering you.

If you need a hand focusing take an additional card from the deck. This will indicate what the Universe wants you to know and work on.

Then, Now and Next

What does the Universe have in store?

To call Spuds of Destiny fortune telling cards might be a bit of a stretch – that kind of activty is usually associated with cookies. Nonetheless, they have an amazing ability to reach into the Universe and travel through time. This three card spread is an excellent way to see what may be in store, or at least how the Spuds see things.

Shuffle the deck and think of an aspect of your life. Pick the three cards that come to you and arrange them in a row. The card on the left signifies the past, the middle is the present and the card on the right indicates the future. Keep the cards face down until you are ready to reveal them in case you have the urge to rewrite history.


If you come up with a Spud Super Spread, let us know at